Classification of each action in Salah according to the Hanafi’s

All classifications must be followed for a perfected prayer, the distinction becomes relevant when determining the validity of the prayer.

  • If one fulfils all the Farḍ, Wājib, Sunnah (and Mustahab) acts, the salah is valid and perfected
  • If ones misses a Farḍ act, the salah is invalid and must be repeated
  • If one misses a Wājib act deliberately, the salah is invalid and must be repeated
  • If one misses a Wājib act forgetfully or makes a mistake in the Wājib act, Sajda Sahu (Compensatory Sajda) is required. Once made, the salah is valid and perfected
  • If one misses a Wājib act forgetfully or makes a mistake in the Wājib act and forgets to make Sajda Sahu, the salah must be repeated, unless he realises the omission immediately after ending the prayer and has not engaged in eating, conversing or facing away from the Qibla, then he may perform it to make his prayer valid and perfect. .
  • If one misses a Sunnah, the Salah is valid without making Sajda Sahu
  • If one repeatedly or negligently misses a Sunnah, then it leads to his Salah becoming deficient, however remains valid
  • If one misses a Mustahab, the Salah is valid without making Sajda Sahu

In terms of acceptance, that is for Allah عزَّوجل.

The Classification

The Classification of each action in detail when the Farḍ salah alone

  1. Standing for the salah in its time – Farḍ
  2. whilst in Wuḍu – Farḍ
  3. and free from impurities on clothing or on body – Farḍ
  4. in a place of prayer that is pure – Farḍ
  5. facing the qibla – Farḍ
  6. with Sitr covered – Farḍ
  7. and the intention to pray X Salah. – Farḍ
  8. Whilst standing (Qiyaam) – Farḍ
  9. raise hands – Sunnah
  10. to ear lobes – Sunnah
  11. with palms facing the qibla – Sunnah
  12. and the fingers slightly spread out in a natural manner: not too closed, not too open, – Sunnah
  13. the feet should be about four fingers apart – Sunnah
  14. and eyes facing the place of prayer or straight ahead. – Sunnah
  15. Women should raise their hands to their shoulders or close to their bosoms. – Sunnah
  16. Make the Takbir-e-Tahrim by saying Allahu Akbar audibly – Farḍ
  17. then swiftly place the right palm over the back of the left hand, wrist and lower arm – Sunnah
  18. either below the navel or at the navel – Sunnah
  19. and place the thumb and little finger around the wrist with the fingers resting on the lower arm, – Sunnah
  20. and stand with calmness. – Wājib
  21. Women should place the right palm over the back of the left hand – Sunnah
  22. and place their hands on their bosoms. – Sunnah
  23. Read thanaa – Sunnah
  24. Read Ta’awwuz – Sunnah
  25. Read Tasmiyyah – Sunnah
  26. Read Surah Al Fatiha – Wājib (sunnah in 3rd+4th Rakah of Farḍ salah)
  27. Say Ameen silently – Sunnah
  28. Repeat the Tasmiyyah – Mustahab
  29. Recite a Surah, or at least one long verse or three small verses from any part of the Qur’an – Wājib
  30. or a chapter from the last 1/7th of the Quran, – Sunnah
  31. with longer ones for Fajr and Zuhr and medium ones for Asr and Isha and short ones for Maghrib – Sunnah
  32. and a longer surah in the first rakah over the second rakah – Sunnah
  33. and in Quranic order. – Sunnah
  34. Say takbir when going down to bow – Sunnah
  35. Make ruku – Farḍ
  36. with calmness – Wājib
  37. and with your back parallel to the ground – Sunnah
  38. and legs erect. – Sunnah
  39. Grasp your knees with your fingers like a claw – Sunnah
  40. and place your eyes between the feet. – Mustahab
  41. Say tasbeeh three times. – Sunnah
  42. Women should only bend sufficiently so that her hands reach her knees with the fingers kept together and elbows should touch the sides of the body and feet kept together. – Sunnah
  43. Rise again to the standing position with your back straight, – Wājib
  44. standing with calmness – Wājib
  45. and hands at the side. – Sunnah
  46. Say Sami’-allahu li man hamidah – Sunnah
  47. then say Rabbana lakalHamd. – Sunnah
  48. Say takbir whilst going down to make sujood – Sunnah
  49. and allow your knees to first touch the ground followed by the hands. – Sunnah
  50. Make sujood – Farḍ
  51. with calmness – Wājib
  52. on a flat hard surface – Farḍ
  53. pressing the forehead firmly on the ground – Farḍ
  54. then the hard part of the nose – Wājib
  55. and then the tip of the nose. – Mustahab
  56. And the toes, knees and hands also firmly on the ground – Farḍ
  57. with fingers spread apart – Sunnah
  58. pointing to the qibla – Sunnah
  59. and in line with the ear lobes. – Sunnah
  60. The limbs spread apart from each other – Sunnah
  61. and toes curled facing the qibla. – Sunnah
  62. Recite tasbih three times – Sunnah
  63. Women should keep their body close with thighs touching abs and arms close to the body. – Sunnah
  64. Rise from Sajdah in to Jalsa – Sunnah
  65. saying takbir – Sunnah
  66. lifting the face first, then the hands – Sunnah
  67. and place your palms on your thighs – Sunnah
  68. with fingers pointing to the qibla – Sunnah
  69. and spread the left foot and rest on it whilst erecting the right foot with toes facing the qibla – Sunnah
  70. and sit till one is tranquil. – Sunnah
  71. Women should sit with feet under the buttocks – Sunnah
  72. Say Takbir – Sunnah
  73. and make sujood again as above (50-63) – Farḍ
  74. Say takbir whilst rising for the second Rakah – Sunnah
  75. Repeat 26 – 73
  76. Say takbir whilst rising for the Jalsa – Sunnah
  77. Sit in Jalsa – Farḍ
  78. with your palms on your thighs – Sunnah
  79. and fingers pointing to qibla – Sunnah
  80. and spread the left foot and rest on it whilst erecting the right foot with toes facing the qibla – Sunnah
  81. and sit till one is tranquil. – Sunnah
  82. Women should sit with feet under the buttocks. – Sunnah
  83. Recite the tashahhud – Wājib
  84. with raising the index finger whilst reciting ‘Laa’ and lowering it after that – Sunnah
  85. whilst forming a circle with the thumb and middle finger and curling the ring and small finger – Sunnah
  86. If 2 rakah prayer, recite Darood – Sunnah
  87. and Dua’ – Sunnah
  88. Say As-Salam – Wājib
  89. with Alaykum wa Rahmatullah – Sunnah
  90. whilst turning the head to the right– Sunnah
  91. looking at the shoulders – Sunnah
  92. With the intention of giving salam to the angels (and the people/jinn on the left and right if in Jamat) – Sunnah
  93. And then As-Salam again – Wājib
  94. with Alaykum wa Rahmatullah – Sunnah
  95. whilst turning the head to the left– Sunnah
  96. looking at the shoulders – Sunnah
  97. and slightly quieter than the first salaam – Sunnah
  98. If 4 rakah prayer, then rise for third rakah without delay – Wājib
  99. saying takbir whilst rising – Sunnah
  100. Repeat 26 – 73 except 29-33, then
  101. Say takbir whilst rising for the fourth rakah – Sunnah
  102. Repeat 26 – 73 except 29-33, then
  103. Repeat 76 – 97
  104. If 3 rakah prayer, then rise for third rakah without delay – Wājib
  105. saying takbir whilst rising – Sunnah
  106. Repeat 26 – 73 except 29-33, then
  107. Repeat 76 – 97

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