In Islam wealth ultimately belongs to Allah and we as his Khalifah on earth are entrusted with it, individually and at large. This stewardship requires that Muslims handle their wealth in accordance with Islamic principles. The Qur’an says, “Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that of which He has made you…Continue reading The Concept of Wealth in Islam
Category: Opinion
Al Tabarruk
The Ahl us-Sunnah believe all power belongs to Allah ﷻ, he is the originator and he causes certain people or objects to carry blessings. These blessings are a means, they do not have power within themselves. Allah ﷻ says “And Your Lord would never destroy a township wrongfully, whilst its inhabitants are righteous” 11:117. For the sake of the righteous people and their virtue, Allah ﷻ does not destroy a town and He says, “And We sent down blessed rain from the sky and produced from it gardens and grain that are reaped” 50:9. Is it the rain that caused tillage, plants and crops to grow or Allah? Allah ﷻ confirms the rain is a means in which blessings are realised. Many scholars attest to the permissibility of Tabarruk but some only limit it to that of the Prophets ﷺ.
How to use Hans Wehr dictionary
Hans Wehr is an Arabic to English dictionary. It is very popular amongst English students, comprehensive and easy to navigate. You can either use a hard copy 4th edition, a searchable PDF (Hans Wehr) or or Hans Wehr.App. The dictionary is ordered alphabetically by root letters, so one cannot search by word. For example,…Continue reading How to use Hans Wehr dictionary
Meeting the Prophets during the Meraaj
This post is about drawing parallels between the Prophet ﷺ meeting his fellow Prophets during the Meraj Many of you will have read the full account of the Isra wal Meraj, if you have not then here is the full detailed account: Al-Isrāʼ wal-Miʼrāj This post will specifically consider the relationship between our Prophet Muhammad…Continue reading Meeting the Prophets during the Meraaj
What makes somebody an Aalim?
Some institutions require students to complete an eight-year course, and upon graduation, they are referred to as Aalims. Others require a four-year weekend course, and upon completion, they are also referred to as Aalims. However, when you consider the biographies of prior scholars, some studied for 20 years before preaching or teaching. What is the…Continue reading What makes somebody an Aalim?
Heretical Sufis
Imam Abdul Qadir al-Jilani رضي الله عنه mentions the following heretical paths who call themselves Sufis. Disclaimer: The featured image does not represent heretical behaviour but used for illustrative purposes. Hululiyya The Hululiyya, Incarnationists, claim that it is lawful to look at a beautiful body or a beautiful face, whether of a woman or a…Continue reading Heretical Sufis
Preferred and Disapproved Colours for Clothing
There is no specific ruling with regard to impermissible colours in Islam. Imam Haskafi, the Hanafi jurist, in al-Durr al-Mukhtar states, “There is no objection in any colour of clothing.” There are however some opinions relating to preferable and disliked colours. White The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said “Wear white garments, for they are among…Continue reading Preferred and Disapproved Colours for Clothing
Tawassul, Istighatha, Al-Shafā’a and Tabarruk
Every Muslim asserts “You alone we worship, and from You alone we seek help” in Surah al-Fatiha. So, what does this mean when we seek help from a Dr for an ailment or ask someone to assist us in lifting something heavy? Does this imply we failed to ask Allah alone? Are we engaging in…Continue reading Tawassul, Istighatha, Al-Shafā’a and Tabarruk
Al Tawassul
Al-Tawassul is method of using an intermediary when supplicating to Allah ﷻ. The intention is to add weight to the supplication. The intermediary can either be a person or something intangible like good deeds or occasions or using Allah’s attributes ﷻ. We’ll discuss the position of Ahlus-Sunnah on Tawassul. Although a person can seek Allah…Continue reading Al Tawassul
Al Shafā’a
Al-Shafā’a is requesting a person such as a scholar, pious individual, parent, friend or a traveller to supplicate on one’s behalf, with the understanding that the prospects of that persons Dua’ being accepted is greater because of their rank, location or situation. For example, asking your mother to make dua’ for you because you are…Continue reading Al Shafā’a