Men praying besides Women according to the Hanafis

There are a number of situations in where men may need to pray with women in the same space but are any of these allowed? Is there a difference between the congregational prayer and individual prayer? Difference between spouse and non-spouse? Can women lead the prayer?

The Ruling

The Hanafi compendium, al-Hidaya, states, “Men will make their rows first, then children and thereafter women…” (al-Hidaya, 1/124). In Nur al Idah, Shurunbulali adds hermaphrodites stand between the boys and women.

This ruling is based on the hadith reported by Anas b. Malik that his grandmother, Mulaika, invited the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) to a dinner which she had prepared. He (the Holy Prophet) ate out of that and then said: Stand up so that I should observe prayer (in order to bless) you Anas b. Malik said: I stood up on a mat (belonging to us) which had turned dark on account of its long use. I sprinkled water over it (in order to soften it), and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) stood upon it, and I and an orphan formed a row behind him (the Holy Prophet) and the old woman was behind us, and the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) led us in two rak’ahs of prayer and then went back (Sahih Muslim 658). This was also supported by Abu Hurayra, that the Prophet said: “The best rows for men are the first rows, and the worst ones are the last ones. The best rows for women are the last ones, and the worst ones for them are the first ones.” (Sahih Muslim, 440). The scholars take indication from these hadith, that women must pray behind men to avoid fitna.

Thus if a woman was to pray next to a man, the prayer of the man would become invalid, this will include the one to her right, left and behind her, however the prayer of the woman will remain valid. The woman in question may be Mahram or non-Mahram (all Mukallaf women). There are some further conditions that have to also be met for the man’s prayer to become invalid.

  1. It is a congregational prayer. So If the man and woman are offering their own individual prayers, the man’s prayer will not become invalid.
  2. Both the man and woman are offering the same prayer.
  3. The prayer is one that includes ruku’ and sujood, i.e. not the funeral prayer. If a man and woman prayed the funeral prayer side by side, it will not be invalid.
  4. The Imam makes the intention of the woman following him. If he doesn’t then her prayer is invalid anyway so isn’t regarded part of the congregation.
  5. The man does not indicate to her to move back
  6. At least one woman has reached puberty or a woman that arouses sexual desire
  7. The woman is Mukhallaf (someone the prayer is fardh upon) i.e. excludes the non-Muslim, insane, child
  8. There is no barrier between the man and woman. If there is a pillar between them or a chair or empty space between them (the width of a person) then the man’s prayer will not be invalid
  9. The woman stands by him for the duration of one rukn, i.e. the length of saying SubhanAllah 3x. If she joined and left within this time, then the prayer of the man will remain valid
  10. Both the man and woman face the same direction. This only applies in the Kaabah as one can face any direction the prayer is only invalid if they prayer the same direction

If there was a congregation with a row of men and a woman was stood at the end of the row, then for the man immediately next to her, his salah will be invalid, but the salah will be valid for all others as he will be acting as a barrier (providing all the other conditions are met). However, if the women’s row is behind the Imam and there is a row of men behind them, then the prayer of the row behind them is invalidated and all the rows behind them, even though they are acting as a barrier. If there is only one, two or three women between the imam and the men’s row then only those directly behind her will have their prayer invalidated.

If she stands beside the imam, then the prayer of the imam is invalidated, because she is next to him, and if the prayer of the imam is invalidated, the prayer of those who are praying behind him is also invalidated, and her prayer is also invalidated, because she is one of those who are praying behind him.

Definition of side by side

There is also a difference of opinion in what entails being side by side. Some say even if the limbs are in line slightly, then she will be regarded as side by side. For example, if both the man and woman are prostrating and the woman is behind him but her head whilst prostrating is in line with his ankles, then they are side by side and his prayer would be invalidated. The other opinion is that as long as the woman’s heel (feet) is behind the mans heel (feet) then they will not be regarded as side by side. This view was taken by the late Ibn Abideen (Radd al-Muhtar, 1/572) and the view many contemporary Hanafi’s take, although it would be preferable for the woman to pray completely behind the man so that there is no crossover.

Women leading the prayer

A woman cannot lead men in prayer, nor should she lead other women in prayer as it would be makhruh tahrimi unless it is to teach or bring people together for voluntary prayer like Salatul Tasbih.

The method the woman will lead others is to stand in the middle of the row. [al-Hidāyah Volume 1 page 352]. If the woman leading stood in front of the rest the prayer will still be valid but it is more superior that she stands in the midst of their row in leading the congregation as concealment is preferred.

Common congregational formats


Male Children
Female Children

Husband and wife


Husband, wife and another lady

Wife, other lady

Husband, one son, and other women of the household


Husband, sons, and other women of the household


Imām, 1 man, woman


Imām, 3 men, 3 women




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