Every Muslim asserts “You alone we worship, and from You alone we seek help” in Surah al-Fatiha. So, what does this mean when we seek help from a Dr for an ailment or ask someone to assist us in lifting something heavy? Does this imply we failed to ask Allah alone? Are we engaging in…Continue reading Tawassul, Istighatha, Al-Shafā’a and Tabarruk
Tag: Tawassul
Al Tawassul
Al-Tawassul is method of using an intermediary when supplicating to Allah ﷻ. The intention is to add weight to the supplication. The intermediary can either be a person or something intangible like good deeds or occasions or using Allah’s attributes ﷻ. We’ll discuss the position of Ahlus-Sunnah on Tawassul. Although a person can seek Allah…Continue reading Al Tawassul