In Islam wealth ultimately belongs to Allah and we as his Khalifah on earth are entrusted with it, individually and at large. This stewardship requires that Muslims handle their wealth in accordance with Islamic principles. The Qur’an says, “Believe in Allah and His Messenger and spend out of that of which He has made you…Continue reading The Concept of Wealth in Islam
Tag: islam
Niqab in Islam
What is a Niqab? The Niqab (sometimes confused with burka, hijab and abaya) in Islam is a gown that covers the whole body except the eyes, dull colours are normally worn. As oppose to the headscarf (commonly known as the Hijab) it is not considered compulsory and from those who do consider it compulsory, they are…Continue reading Niqab in Islam
The Ruling of Abortion in Islam
Abortion is the removal of a foetus from the womb; either by consuming certain drugs or by emptying the womb through the process of suction. This ethical issue is continuously debated around the world where some people edge towards pro-life and others pro-choice however Islam has its own ruling on this Issue. There have been…Continue reading The Ruling of Abortion in Islam
The Various Schools of Law in Islam
A drawing of the different schools of law (maḏhhab) in Islam (both current and extinct) and how they all connect to the šhariʽah and are therefore all equal. It was drawn by Shaykh Ali al-Khawwas (may Allah be pleased with him). These schools are (clockwise): – The school of ʽĀʾišhah رضی اللہ عنھا – The…Continue reading The Various Schools of Law in Islam