Dars Nizami Curriculum

Since the establishment of the Delhi Sultanate in India in the 13th century, Hanafi fiqh was prevelant and taught. The Majority of the Ulema focused on Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and Usul al-Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence). The scholars studied books of Fiqh like al-Quduri, al-Hidaya and Majam al-Bahrayn wa Multaqa al-Nayirayn and Usul works like al-Husami, Al-Manaar and Usul al-Bazdawi.

As time passed the Mughals came to rule. Qutb al-Din Sahalwi was selected to support the Fatawa Alamgiri project sponsored by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb Alamgir. This work was to be a Hanafi compendium covering all matters of fiqh. After the death of Qutb al-Din, his sons Nizam al-Din Sahalwi and Muhammad Sa’id Sahalwi were tasked by Aurangzeb to come up with a comprehensive curriculum for future students of the deen.  

This curriculum consisted of the following three fundamental categories of education.

  1. Lisaniyaat (Languages), which included Tajweed, Arabic Grammar, Arabic Morphology and Rhetoric
  2. Ibadaat (Worship), which included Quran Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Usul Fiqh and Usul Hadith
  3. Ma’qulaat (Complementary), which included History, Math, Medicine, Logic, Literature, Philosophy, Farsi, Astronomy and other electives.

This comprehensive course was to equip all scholars with deep knowledge of Islamic law as well as any secular or supporting sciences. On completion of the course (which may have taken 10 years), one would be recognised as an Aalim, an Islamic scholar.

For hadith studies, the scholars studied, Miskaat al Masabih, a compilation of hadith from many hadith collections. Shah Waliullah Dehlawi introduced a detailed study of the Sahih Sitta in the Dars Nizami as he felt scholars lacked true comprehensive knowledge of hadith.

The Dars e Nizami is now world renowned and still widely taught in the Indian subcontinent.

Today there are many variations, tailored to new audiences and challenges. Some retain the classical syllabus where as others teach foundational subjects or extract key elements from the books, to cater for full time working professionals.

I have listed the subjects currently taught in most schools. Note – with the advent of secular schooling, many don’t teach the complementary subjects. Scholars will have a grasp of the foundational works, but with advanced texts, they may not cover everything from cover to cover, but will study key parts from the text guided by a teacher. Or will self-learn and check their understanding with a teacher. Likewise not all schools cover every hadith one by one, but will choose selected chapters from hadith works.

Not all books need to be studied, but each science needs to be studying at least three times in its basics, so students can opt to go through another text for a second or third reading.

After this point, many either specialise in a field (or multiple) or they go on to do the Ifta coutse (which usually takes two years). Remeber Dars Nizami is the entry point into the field of Islamic Scholarship.

Tajweed – Arabic Letter pronunciation and rules of reading

  • Basic Tajweed Makhraj
  • Basic Tajweed Rules
  • Tuhfat al-Atfal – Primer poem
  • Advanced Tajweed Rules
  • Know all tajweed rules in the Qur’an
  • Matan Al Jazariyyah – with commentary, many benefitical detail
  • Samanudi Tajwid Qaida
  • Qira’at – One may take interest in the art of recitation and the various modes
  • Maqamaat – This relates to the melody of reciting e.g. Nahawand

Sarf – Arabic Morphology

  • Sarf Bahai
  • Matn al-Izzi
  • Memorise Sarf Kabir
  • Memorise all Sarf Sagheer
  • Tasrif al-Zanjani
  • Nisaab us Sarf
  • Advanced Sarf will include all classifications and rare abwaab

Nahv – Arabic Grammar

  • Nahv Mir – Foundations of grammar
  • Ajrumiyyah
  • Sharh Miaat Aamil bila Hashiya wa bila I’rab – Foundations of grammar, lists the effectors
  • Awaamil Birkiwi
  • Hidaya tun Nahv – Comprehensive Arabic grammar
  • Al Kaafiya
  • Sharh Jaami
  • Qatr Al Nada
  • Sharh Ibn Aqeel Ala Alfiyyah Ibn Malik


  • Durus al Balagha
  • Mukhtasur Al Maani
  • al-Balagha al-Wadiha
  • Hujjat Allah Al Baligha by Shah Wali Allah
  • Talkhees-ul-Miftah

Adab – Literature

Arabic Speaking

  • Bayna Yadayk
  • Takallum
  • Madina Arabic
  • Al-Arabiyyah Lil-Nashi’een

Mantiq – Logic

  • Isa Guji
  • Majmu al Mantiq – compilation of Meezan al Mantiq, Mirat al Mantiq, Al-Awsat, Isaghuji, Maqulate Asr, etc. Terminology of Mantiq terms and comes in:
    • Sughra
    • Awsat
    • Kubra
  • Al-Mantiq al-Jilani: A Primer In Classical Logic
  • Mirqaat – Foundational and comprehensive Mantiq
  • Qala Kul – Sharh of Isa Guji
  • Sharh Tazeeb
  • Sharh Qutbi

Never ending subject, check works of Ibn Arabic, non-Muslim logicians, and it also interwines into philosophy, critical thinking and epistemology.


  • Khulasah Qaydani – Basic fiqh
  • Munyatul Musalli – Basic fiqh
  • Nur al-Idah – Intermediate Fiqh
  • Quduri – Intermediate Fiqh
  • Maraqi Al-Falah sharh Nur Al Idah
  • Kanzul Daqaiq – Advanced Fiqh
  • Sharul Wiqaya – Advanced Fiqh
  • Mutlaqa al-Abhur
  • Hidaya – Advanced Fiqh
  • Fath Qadir by Humam
  • Al Lubab Fi Sharh al Kitab Quduri
  • Tanwir Al Absaar
  • Ahsanul Fatawa
  • Sharh Maani Al Athaar
  • Mukhtasar al-Wiqayah: Matn Fath Bab al-‘Inayah
  • Al Mabsut
  • Al-Ikhtiyar li Taleel al-Mukhtar

There are many fiqh works and commentaries that students can spend a life time on like Badai Sanai, Radh ul Mukhtar, Fatwa Alamgiri, Fatwa Rizwi, Fatawa Rahimiyah and Bahar e Shariat, etc.

Usool ul Fiqh

  • Usool Shashi – Comprehensive
  • Nur al Anwar – Advanced
  • Husami – focus on Qiyas – Advanced
  • Sharh Al Manaar
  • Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence – Hashim Kamali
  • Tawzih and Talwih
  • Samt al-Wuṣūl ilā ʿIlm al-Uṣūl 
  • Mir’at al-Usool
  • Al-Qawāʿid al-Fiqhiyyah


  • Imam Nawawi Arabaeen
  • Riyadhus Saliheen
  • Shamaail Muhammad by Tirmidhi
  • Bukhari
  • Muslim
  • Tirmidhi
  • Abu Dawud
  • Ibn Majah
  • An Nisai
  • Muwatta Imam Muhammad
  • Miskhaat ul Masabih 
  • Shar Maani Al Athaar
  • The Kitab al-Athar by Imam Abu Hanifa
  • Fath al Bari bi Sharh Sahih Bukhari
  • Al-Minhaj bi Sharh Sahih Muslim

Usool Hadith

  • Bayquniyyah – Comprehensive
  • Taysir Mustalah – Comprehensive
  • Nuzhatul Nazar fi Towdih Nukhbatil Fikr
  • Principles of Hadith by Sayyid Sharif Jurjani
  • Muqaddimah fi Usool Hadith Dehlwi
  • Muqaddimah Ibn Salah Ulum Al Hadeeth
  • Bustan al-Muhaddithin
  • Asmaa wa Rijal
  • Tadrib Al Rawi by Suyuti
  • Tahdhib at Tadhib by ibn Hajar
  • Studies in Hadith Methodology and Literature by Mustafa Azami
  • A Textbook of Hadith Studies: Authenticity, Compilation, Classification and Criticism of Hadith by Kamali
  • Hadith Literature: Its Origin, Development and Special Features (Dr Muhammad Zubayr Siddiqi)


  • Jalalayn
  • Baydawi
  • Tabari
  • Qurtubi
  • Tafsir al Kabir
  • Asbaab unNuzool
  • Tafsir ibn Juzay
  • Tafsir Waqidi
  • Many other tafsir works

Usool Tafsir/Quran

  • Fawzul Kabir
  • Al-Itqan fi Ulum al-Qur’an
  • Introduction to Quran Yasir Qadhi Jawahur al Qur’ān
  • Tahfim ul Quran Al-Tafsirat al-Ahmadiyya by Mulla Jiwan
  • Ibn Juzayy’s Tafsir Al-Tashil fi Ulumit-Tanzil
  • Al-Nawawi – Al-Tibyan


  • Hidayatul Hikma
  • Mehbsi

Aqidah and Ilm ul Kalaam

  • Aqidah Tahawiya Aqida Nasafi
  • Al Fiqh Al Akbar
  • Sharh Aqaid Nasafi
  • Nibras
  • Khayali
  • Umoor al Amah
  • Intro to Aqida by Imam Bajuri
  • Bad Al Amali
  • Al-Isharat


  • Any basic Seerah book
  • Book on Khasais of the Prophet
  • Book on his miracles
  • Book on his companions
  • Ibn Khaldun Muqadimmah


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